Patient Terms & Conditions

Please take your time to read the terms and conditions. It includes important information about us and the way in which we will provide care to you. If you have any questions about these terms then we will be happy to answer them, so please do ask us. We may need to update these terms from time to time. If we do this, then we will let you know at the contact address provided. References to you or your means you, as our client and the recipient of our services, treatments, tests and procedures we may carry out for you (“Treatment”). References to our hospitals shall mean those hospitals listed on our Optegra website.

1. Terms
These terms do not contain specific information about how much your care will cost. Details of our costs are set out in our price list (available on our website and/or provided during your initial appointment). At your initial consultation your consultant will discuss costs of any Treatment with you and you will be provided with terms around such payment (the “Payment Terms”). Your initial consultation is free of charge. However, if you decide not to proceed to receive your first treatment following a free of charge initial consultation, then Optegra reserves the right to charge you for its reasonable administrative charges for carrying out the initial consultation in accordance with the information provided to you at the time of booking your initial consultation. You should ensure that you read these Payment Terms provided carefully. If you are happy to proceed following the initial consultation, you can proceed to book any Treatment. If you are unsure about the costs of your care please ask us at any of our hospitals, by phone on 0808 159 9305 or through our website You are entitled to a 7 day cooling off period after the point of booking any Treatment. If you decide to take an agreement with Novuna it may vary so please refer to Novuna’s terms and conditions, during which time you may cancel the Treatment. However, please note you will need to pay for any Treatment that you have received within that 7 day cooling off period (or if you cancel or re-schedule in accordance with cancellations and refunds section of terms and conditions.) Consultants involved in your Treatments will be independent practitioners and will not be employees of Optegra. Accordingly, Optegra will not be liable for any act or omission of a consultant (or the company or partnership that employs or engages the consultant). The consultant will be responsible for the Treatment he or she provides to you. On the rare occasion that your consultant is an employee of Optegra, we will inform you that this is the case and, in such cases, Optegra will be responsible for any Treatment provided to you.

Optegra UK Limited (FRN: 735282) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We are a credit broker not a lender – credit is subject to status and affordability, and is provided by Mitsubishi HC Capital UK PLC. Terms & Conditions Apply.


2. Who we are and how to contact us

a) Optegra UK Limited (“Optegra”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 05846041 and registered offices at Unit 7, The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX

b) Please direct any questions, or any subsequent issues, to


3. General terms and conditions relating to all patients

a) These terms and conditions, as well as the registration form, form the basis of the agreement (the “Agreement”) between you and Optegra. If there is any conflict between the registration form and these terms and conditions, these terms will take precedence.

b) This Agreement will come into force at the time of signature.

c) We publish a list of our Treatments on our website and at our hospitals. The Treatments may be updated from
time to time so please check our website to see our up-to-date list.


4. Initial Consultations

a) You can book a Virtual Consultation with an Optegra specialist optometrist for preliminary evaluation, its is free and you can attend from the comfort of your home. To book you can do so through our website, or by phone on 0808 159 9305

b) Your virtual consultation outcome could be one of the following:

i. Confirmation of provisional suitability

ii. Advised unsuitable to proceed

iii. We may need more information to take a decision

iv. Transfer you to Site team to book a specified appointment

If you are provisionally suitable, you will be invited to attend an in-person consultation with Optegra, typically a *free assessment with our specialist optometrist at the nearest site best suited to your appointment.

*If there is any complexity of case / decision-making that requires Optegra consultant to see you pre-surgery or you would like to meet your consultant by choice, charges apply. Charges will be declared at your Virtual consultation.

c) Where applicable, the initial consultation will be charged in accordance with the prices set out on our website. Optegra reserves the right to review and update charges.

d) At your initial consultation, from your diagnostic scans and clinical evaluation, you will be advised on procedure options and recommendations for you, including explanation on risks, benefits, and limitations.

i. Consent forms relating to the recommended procedure will be issued at your initial consultation. It is advised to read the documents before you meet your consultant virtually in the coming days/weeks.

ii. The cost of the Treatment and the Payment Terms will be provided at your initial consultation.

e) Your treating consultant will typically meet you virtually (by video / phone call) 7 days prior to surgery date(s) booked. Your consultant will have full visibility of your assessment notes and scans. If an in-person consent is indicated by the assessing optometrist, we will book a Consent appointment.

Upon deciding to proceed with treatment you will be asked to sign a consent form.

f) However, if you decide not to proceed to receive Treatment following the initial consultation, then Optegra reserves the right to charge you for its reasonable administrative charges for carrying out the initial consultation in accordance with the information provided to you at the time of booking your initial consultation.


5. Risks

a) While we will take all care to ensure the safety of your belongings, Optegra does not accept any responsibility for the theft or loss of, or damage to, any of your or your visitors’ property whilst you visit our hospitals.

b) Whilst Optegra and your consultants will do their best to ensure a satisfactory outcome, no procedure is entirely risk-free and the results of any particular treatment cannot be guaranteed. Optegra specialist optometrists and the treating consultant will explain risks, benefits, and limitations of the recommended procedure. In some cases we may advise against any procedure, or invite you see us later in the future.

c) You will be provided an information pack, including after care leaflets.


6. Consultants/Liability

a) While in the Optegra hospital you will be under the care of the treating consultant, who may also involve other consultants in your care, if appropriate. Optegra staff will provide care under your consultant’s instructions.

b) Consultants involved in your Treatments will be independent practitioners and will not be employees of Optegra. Accordingly, Optegra will not be liable for any act or omission of a consultant (or the company or partnership that employs or engages the consultant). The consultant will be responsible for the Treatment he or she provides to you.

c) On the rare occasion that your practitioner is an employee of Optegra, we will inform you this is the case and, in such cases, Optegra will be responsible for any Treatment provided to you.


7. Payment for Treatments

If you are:

(i) an NHS patient then please read the section on ‘NHS Patients’.

(ii) a patient with private medical insurance or a third-party sponsor then please see section on ‘Insured patients or patients with a third-party sponsor’.

(iii) paying for your treatment yourself then please see section on ’Private Patients’


8. NHS Patients

a) If you are an NHS patient, the costs of your care and all consultant fees are paid by the NHS.

b) There are no cancellation fees for NHS Patients. However, if you fail to attend an appointment three times, you will automatically be discharged back into your GPs care. You and your GP will be notified accordingly.

c) While in the Optegra hospital you will be under the care of one or more allocated consultants. Optegra staff will provide care under your consultant’s instructions.


9. Insured Patients or Patients with a third-party sponsor

a) You will need to ensure that you have spoken to your insurer or your sponsor in advance of booking your treatment to receive confirmation that your insurer or your sponsor will cover the treatment costs. In particular, we recommend you ask whether there are any exceptions within your policy or co-payments .

b) If you are using an insurer, you will need to provide us with a number of details, including but not limited to, details of your insurer, your policy number and your authorisation number. You may have to pay excess in advance of your Treatment or initial consultation. It is your responsibility to liaise with your insurer regarding such payments.

c) If a sponsor will be paying, you will need to provide us with the name and contact details of your sponsor. Payment must be received in cleared funds seven (7) days before the Treatment or appointment is planned. You agree to provide any additional information requested by Optegra to verify, to our satisfaction, details of any such arrangement including a letter of guarantee from your sponsor confirming to us that they will cover the costs of your treatment a minimum of five (5) working days prior to your admission date.

d) You agree with Optegra that you will pay for your treatment. Whilst you will remain responsible for the payment of your treatment, where you have private medical insurance or a third party has agreed to pay for your care:

i. We will, where possible, process the claim for your treatment with your insurer or sponsor, provided you have given us and your insurer or sponsor all the information we need to do so. If this information is incomplete or inaccurate, we may not be able to process your claim and you will need to pay for your Care, as set out in (iii) below;

ii. Where we process your claim and your insurer or sponsor pays us direct, the rate agreed between Optegra and your insurer or sponsor will apply to your treatment;

iii. If your insurer or sponsor fails to settle our invoices (or any part of them) within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice we will assume that the outstanding amount will not be paid by them and you will become immediately liable for payment in full. We may invoice you directly or debit the relevant balance from your credit or debit cards;

iv. If we invoice you for your treatment, or for an element of it, you agree to pay us the amount invoiced within 30 days.

v. If no price is expressly agreed between the insurer or sponsor and Optegra. Optegra’s standard rates will be communicated to you during the initial visit shall apply. On request, the price list can be sent to you in hard copy.

e) Insurers may not cover all of your treatments, including for example, consumables, additional treatments considered necessary by your consultant or any further procedures you decide to have. If this is the case, you will need to pay for that part of your care.


10. Private Payment

a) You will be personally responsible for any costs associated with your treatment

b) Payment Terms will be provided to you during or after your initial consultation.

c) Payment for your Treatment or appointment should be received in cleared funds seven days before your treatment or appointment.

d) You will be liable as a private patient for the cost of any private prescriptions and/or consumables given to you at the hospital.

e) Overdue debts will be referred to a debt collection agency as approved by Optegra and you may, at that stage, become liable for interest and the cost of recovering the debt.

f) Optegra reserves the right to add collection costs and interest for any services provided to any overdue account.


11. Cancellations and Refunds

a) This paragraph does not apply to NHS Patients.

b) We request that you notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend your appointment.

c) You may cancel or re-schedule your appointment by calling 0808 159 9305

d) You are entitled to a 7-day cooling off period after the point of booking any Treatment, during which time you may cancel the Treatment free of charge. However, please note you will need to pay for any Treatment that you have received within that seven (7) day cooling off period and, if you cancel or re-schedule a Treatment within 24 hours of the appointment, then we reserve the right to charge you 25% of the Treatment price (as appropriate) as a late cancellation/non-attendance fee. Optegra will refund you any amounts already paid which are in excess of any such cancellation/non-attendance fees. Please note, Optegra cannot be held responsible and will not refund any costs incurred in attending the Treatment, such as transport or accommodation.

e) In relation to ongoing Treatment:

i. if you choose to stop receiving Treatment that is ongoing then you must let us know. We will charge you for all Treatment (private prescriptions and/or consumables) that you have received up until the point that you notify us, but you will not be charged for anything after this point unless you cancel or re-schedule a Treatment less than 72 hours before your appointment is due to begin, or if you fail to attend an appointment. If this happens, we will charge you a late cancellation/non-attendance fee.

ii. If, for any unforeseen reasons, we decide that you can no longer receive any ongoing Treatment from us, we will let you know as soon as possible and give reasons for our decision. We will charge you for all Treatments, private prescriptions and/or consumables that you have received up until the point that we notify you, but you will not be charged for anything after this point.

iii. You are under no obligation to continue receiving ongoing Treatment from us once you start.

f) If your consultant has to cancel your Treatment, we will let you know as soon as reasonably possible and provide you with an alternative date and time for your treatment. If it is not possible to re-schedule your treatment we will refund you any amounts already paid for the Treatment.

g) Optegra will not be held responsible for any costs incurred in attending your treatment e.g. transportation or accommodation.


12. Overseas Patients

a) If you are not ordinarily resident in the UK, you will be liable to pay charges if you require NHS treatment whilst in the UK, whether related to your care at Optegra (for example if you require treatment that Optegra does not agree to provide) or not.

b) By signing this Agreement and agreeing to these terms you confirm that you have leave to enter the UK and that you meet all relevant immigration criteria. You also confirm that you have made adequate arrangements to pay for your care. Optegra may contact the Home Office or UK Border Agency (as relevant) to the extent necessary to clarify any information regarding your leave to enter or remain in the UK in connection with your care.


13. Children

We will not provide any consultations, appointments or Treatments to a child under 18 years old. We reserve the right to request identification of any patient to confirm they are over 18 years old.


14. Confidentiality

We respect the confidentiality of all of our patients. We will treat all information provided to us by you as confidential and, subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy set out in Part B, will not disclose any such information to any person outside of Optegra without your express consent or as otherwise required by law. In the interests of privacy for all of our patients, we also request that you keep confidential any information or knowledge that you acquire during your visits to our hospitals.


15. Changes

We may need to update this Agreement from time to time. If we do this, then we will let you know using the contact details most recently provided to us by you. You will always be given the opportunity to read any updated Agreement and ask us questions before agreeing to any changes. Once you have agreed to any updated Agreement then the new version will only apply to those Treatments that you book after confirming your agreement. The most up-to-date version of the Agreement will always be available on our website and in our hospitals.


16. Notices And Your Contact Details

It is important that you keep us informed of any changes to your contact details.


17. Changes in Applicable Law

You acknowledge and accept that applicable Law may change and thereby prevent Optegra from providing certain care. If such a change occurs and the change has an effect on your care, then Optegra will contact you to inform you of the change and the consequences of the change.

l) If, as a result of the change in Applicable Law, Optegra can no longer carry out your Treatment, Optegra shall refund you any amounts paid for such Treatment. Please note, Optegra cannot be held responsible and will not refund any costs incurred in attending the Treatment, such as transport or accommodation. “Applicable Law” shall mean all guidelines, professional standards, applicable statutes, regulations, orders, regulatory requirements, bylaws, ordinances, rules, subordinate legislation and other laws, including any judicial or administrative interpretation of them, in force from time to time in any applicable jurisdiction.


18. Assignment

We may transfer and assign this Agreement to any person who acquires all or substantially all of the assets of the assets of Optegra, or any other member of the Optegra group.


19. Third Party Rights

Except for you and Optegra or any insurer or third party to the extent agreed by Optegra, no person will have any rights under or in connection with this Agreement.


20. Governing Law

a) This agreement shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

b) If we cannot resolve any complaints relating to the services that we have provided to you and you are a customer within the EU, you have the right to submit your complaint through the Online Dispute Resolution platform at for resolution.


21. Aftercare

The standard care package at Optegra for:

a) Vision Correction (RLE enhanced and advanced, not standard & Laser eye surgery patients only) includes:

1) Eyedrops and medications as directed by your consultant until discharge or as required for up to 1 year post op, whichever is the shorter

2) Follow up visits with consultant and/or optometrist until discharge or as required for up to 1 year post op, whichever is the shorter

3) Any additional scans as directed by your consultant until discharge or as required for up to 1 year post op, whichever is the shorter

4) Any additional surgery such as lens repositioning or YAG as directed by your consultant until discharge or as required for up to 1 year post op, whichever is the shorter

5) Any Laser vision enhancement as directed by your consultant until discharge or as required for up to 1 year post op, whichever is the shorter

b) Other Private Surgeries includes:

1) PMI’s – First post op following surgery and/or what has been authorised by your insurance company.

2) Post Operative check up following surgery. PMI cataract surgery can be ‘uplifted’ into RLE package which would include all of the above. Facility fee patients are liable for the hospital fee as discussed with private secretaries. Any further treatment is chargeable at standard Optegra private self-pay rates.

(Updated: 08/01/2024)


Monetary Discounts – Laser Eye Surgery OR Refractive Lens Replacement Surgery


1) Subject to these terms and conditions, any advertised monetary discounts are redeemable against the cost of either laser eye surgery or refractive lens replacement surgery (the “Surgery”) to both eyes provided by Optegra UK Limited (“Optegra”). This offer applies to the cost of the Surgery only. This offer does not include Cataract surgery. Laser eye surgery or refractive lens replacement is subject to Optegra’s standard terms and conditions; the current copy of which can be obtained from each of our hospitals.

2) Any monetary discount promotion is valid for either laser eye surgery or refractive lens replacement surgery consultations with one of the participating Optegra Eye Hospitals: Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham, Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester, Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey, or Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire.

3) Subject to the terms and conditions of the monetary discount promotion, the said monetary discount applies for laser eye surgery or refractive lens replacement surgery, off the total cost of their Surgery.

4) The promotion will be valid in the event of the laser eye surgery consultation or refractive lens replacement surgery consultation being cancelled by Optegra at no fault of the presenter and subsequently re-booked.

5) The promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. One promotion per person.

6) This promotion is non-transferable and no cash alternative will be offered.

7) Optegra reserve the right to alter or terminate any monetary discount promotion at any time.

8) The promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any financing options provided by Novuna Consumer Finance [or for any Surgery being covered in whole or in part by insurance].

​9) 0% interest free credit cannot be used with any monetary discount promotion.

10) Price match guarantee cannot be used with any monetary discount promotion.

11) Monetary discounts are not available for entry level procedures, including LASEK/PRK, Monofocal Lens Exchange and cataract surgery.

12) 10% See For Yourself offer only applicable on the first eye and may not be used with any other promotion.

13) These terms are governed by English Law. The promotion is operated by Optegra UK Limited, 7 The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX


Refer a Friend – Effective from 8th April 2024

1) This promotion is exclusively open to all patients (Referring Patients”) of Optegra UK Limited (“Optegra”) who recommend Optegra to their friends or family (the “Friend”) for a self-pay surgery.

2) Subject to these terms and conditions, if the Friend undergoes laser eye surgery, lens replacement surgery, or self-pay cataract surgery (“surgery”) to both eyes at a participating Optegra hospital the Friend will receive £300 off the full price of their self-pay procedure (in each case as specified on the Optegra website page for each procedure). The Referring Patient will receive £200 payment rewarded within 6 weeks of the Friend completing their self-pay procedure.

3) Qualifying participants that are eligible for the £300 discount off laser eye surgery, lens replacement surgery, or self-pay cataract surgery, can book surgery with the following Optegra Hospitals/clinics: Birmingham, Brighton, Hampshire, Maidstone, Manchester, Surrey, Yorkshire, Central London.

4) The Friend should provide the details of the referring patient at their consultation.

5) The Friend must book a consultation at a participating Optegra Hospital and their surgery must take place within 6 months of the date of their consultation.

6) When the Friend has completed their Surgery, the Referring Patient will be sent their £200 cash payment within 6 weeks of the Friend’s completed surgery date. If you do not receive payment, please contact

a) Please note that patients are eligible to claim the ‘Refer a Friend’ payment only within one year of their Friend’s completed surgery date. Any requests made beyond this time frame will not be accepted.

7) Each Friend may only be referred by one Referring Patient and may only receive one discount off their surgery.

8) Referring Patients may refer as many Friends as they like and will be entitled to £200 payments for each Friend who completes their surgery in accordance with these terms and conditions.

9) If the Friend cancels the surgery the Referring Patient will not receive the £200 payment.

10) This offer applies to the cost of the surgery only and excludes any follow-up appointments or diagnostic tests. (Laser Eye Surgery / Refractive Lens Replacement/ Cataract Surgery) is subject to Optegra’s standard terms and conditions; the current copy of which can be obtained from each of our hospitals or by writing to Optegra Eye Healthcare, 7 The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX.

11) All participants must be over 18 years of age.

12) This offer can be used in conjunction with any financing options provided by Novuna Consumer Finance but cannot be used for any surgery being covered in whole or in part by insurance (Bupa, Aviva, etc.)

13) If Optegra has to postpone the surgery and it is re-booked for a date more than six months after the initial consultation, the terms of this promotion will apply as though the surgery had taken place within the applicable time frames.

14) Entry into this promotion constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions and of Optegra’s privacy policy, a copy of which can be found on the website. Participants consent to their personal details being used for the purpose of administering this promotion.

15) This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer.

17) Optegra reserves the right to withdraw or change this promotion at any time.

16) These terms are governed by English Law. The promoter is Optegra UK Limited, 7 The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX


4-Week Cataract Surgery Pledge – Effective from 11th Jan 2024

  1. Pledge Guarantee: Optegra pledges to endeavour to provide cataract surgery to our patients within four (4) weeks of their booking date. This pledge is a testament to our commitment to efficient and prompt patient services.
  2. Scope of Pledge: The 4-Week Cataract Surgery Pledge is applicable only to patients who have completed all necessary pre-surgical assessments and are deemed clinically eligible for cataract surgery by our healthcare professionals.
  3. Limitation of Pledge: While we strive to honour our 4-Week Pledge, there may be circumstances beyond our control that prevent us from doing so. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, availability of healthcare professionals, operating room scheduling conflicts, equipment malfunction, , patients refusing the date(s) offered or unforeseen clinical complications.
  4. No Legal Obligation: It is expressly understood that our 4-Week Cataract Surgery Pledge is not a legally binding guarantee. Optegra shall not be legally liable for any failure to provide cataract surgery within the four-week timeframe. This pledge should be seen as an aspirational goal reflecting our commitment to patient care rather than a legally enforceable promise.
  5. Communication: In the event of any delay beyond the four-week period, Optegra will communicate promptly and transparently with the affected patient, providing a revised timeline and any other relevant information.
  6. Patient Cooperation: Timely provision of cataract surgery within the pledged timeframe also depends on patient cooperation. Patients are responsible for attending all pre-surgical assessments and providing accurate medical history and information as required.
  7. Amendments: Optegra reserves the right to amend the terms of the 4-Week Cataract Surgery Pledge at any time without prior notice.


Laser Eye Surgery Offer – £300 off

  • Patients that are eligible for Laser Eye Surgery can redeem £150 off per eye, amounting to £300 off the total cost of their surgery when having both eyes treated. If only one eye is treated, the discount will be £150 off.
  • Offer Details:
    • £150 off per eye is valid when booking Laser Eye Surgery with the following hospitals: Optegra Eye Hospital London, Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham, Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester, Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire, and Optegra Eye Hospital Brighton.
    • This offer applies to Laser Eye Surgery only and excludes any follow-up appointments or diagnostic tests.
  • Booking Requirements:
    • Patients must mention the code ‘300VISION’ when booking their surgery to be eligible for the discount.
  • Eligibility:
    • All participants must be over 18 years of age.
    • This offer can be used in conjunction with any financing options provided by Novuna Consumer Finance but not for any surgery being covered in whole or in part by insurance.
    • This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer.
  • General:
    • Entry into this promotion constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions and of Optegra’s privacy policy, a copy of which can be found on the website.
    • Participants consent to their personal details being used for the purpose of administering this promotion.
    • These terms are governed by English Law.
    • The promoter is Optegra UK Limited, 7 The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX.
  • Validity:
    • This offer goes live on 5th August and is available for a limited time only.
    • Optegra reserves the right to modify or withdraw this offer at any time without prior notice.
    • The discount is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other benefits.
    • Any additional costs associated with the surgery that are not covered by this offer will be borne by the patient.


LinkedIn Giveaway 

• Promotion Details:

  • Participating Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians are invited to take part in a LinkedIn giveaway for a chance to win a London getaway. The prize includes a scenic three-course meal for two with a panoramic view of London, two tickets to a renowned theatre performance of the winner’s choice, and a luxury one-night hotel stay for two.

• Offer Details:

  • The deadline to participate is Monday, 16th September 2024. A winner will be randomly selected and announced on Friday, 20th September 2024.
  • The winner will be contacted on LinkedIn and will have 30 days to formally accept the prize. A date will be agreed upon for the prize redemption, which includes:
    • Two theatre tickets of the winner’s choice (up to £100)
    • A one-night stay at a hotel (up to £250)
    • A three-course meal at The Shard

• Participation Requirements:

  • Participants must follow Optegra Eye Health Care on LinkedIn and must react and comment on the giveaway post to be eligible.

• Eligibility:

  • Participants must be over 18 years of age.
  • Participants must complete all requirements before the deadline stated.
  • No purchase is necessary to enter or win.

• Winner Selection:

  • The winner will be selected randomly from all eligible entries and announced on LinkedIn. A member of our team will then contact the winner on claiming the prize.

• Publicity Rights:

  • By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to participate in reasonable publicity efforts for Optegra, including the use of their name and image in promotional materials, unless prohibited by law.

• Liability Limitation:

  • Optegra accepts no responsibility for any technical issues, loss of entries, or third-party actions related to the prize.

• General:

  • Entry into this promotion constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions and Optegra’s privacy policy, which can be found on our website.
  • It is one entry per participant.
  • Participants consent to their personal details being used for the purpose of administering this promotion, in compliance with GDPR regulations.
  • These terms are governed by English Law.
  • The promoter is Optegra UK Limited, 7 The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX.

• Validity:

  • This offer goes live on 19th August 2024 – 19th September 2024. Any submissions after midnight of the closing date will not be entered in the giveaway.
  • Optegra reserves the right to modify or withdraw this offer at any time without prior notice.
  • The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other benefits. If the original offer is no longer available, Optegra will provide an equivalent alternative.
  • Any additional costs associated with this offer that are not covered by Optegra will be the responsibility of the winner, including transport to and from the agreed location. As well as any additionally incurred costs outside of the 3-course meal inclusions.
  • For any queries regarding this offer, please contact

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Private Patients – 0800 086 1064
NHS Patients – 0207 509 4186

Private: Mon-Thu: 8am-7pm, Fri: 8am – 5.30pm NHS: Mon-Fri: 8am – 6pm